
Vocabulary 10/21/2015

1.My legs ached from sitting so long, and my head throbbed.
My leg kept throb because I didn't drink milk this morning.
: to feel a pain that starts and stops quickly and repeatedly
2.I remembered how I had pestered our priest, Father Lee, to help me.
Young children always paster their parents.
V. : to annoy or bother (someone) in a repeated way
3. They bantered back and forth, sometimes bursting out laughing and slapping each other on the back.
All my friends were bantered except me because I don't think that joke is funny.
 V. : talk in which people make jokes about each other in a friendly way
4.The terminal was huge, and all the people were so big and tall.
There are three terminal in Beijing International Airport.
N. a building at an airport where people get on and off airplanes
5.I understood a few words here and there, but they spoke too quickly for me to comprehend what they were talking about. 
People who just learned a new language are hard to comprehend what other people said.
V. To understand
6.I anxiously looked right and left for a group of college students waving red hearts. 
I didn't prepare for the exam so I feel so anxious.
Adj. afraid or nervous especially about what may happen : feeling anxiety
7.We sped by rows and rows of New York City skyscrapers, but I felt too overwhelmed to appreciate anything so new and different.
I felt overwhelmed because of this city's beautiful night scene.
Adj. : to affect (someone) very strongly
8.I was grateful to Ellen and I admired her outgoing nature.
Everybody thinks he is outgoing because he is so friendly, talkative, and active.
Adj. [ used to describe someone who is friendly and likes being with and talking to other people
9.But as I silently tried to formulate these thoughts into coherent English sentences, I saw Ellen staring at me and knew I had to respond.
It's hard for me to speak in coherent English.
 Adj. logical and well-organized : easy to understand
10.I blushed and pretended to be absorbed in unpacking.
I was easily blushed when I was still a little girl.
V. To be embarrassed 

