
Reflection of Love and Bread

In my creative project, Marinda and filmed a short video for 6 minutes long about the time when Annie was in England. We tried to express how Annie was struggling with her new lover and the one she has loved. So we name the video as Love or Bread as Love is the metaphor of Rex and Bread is Peter. This is the first time for us to film together and this experience of make creative project really helped me learned lots of things.

We choose the part of Annie’s life in England is because that scene of Annie secretly staring at Peter and her picture really impressed me. I thought how hard her life is for a woman to think about her ex boyfriend. I understand it until Annie says Peter is rich. So we choose this part is because filming is interesting and this part is attractive. We can say our movie is a subfield of Opal Dream. Although there is nothing about Kellyanne and Ashmol, the main characters, costars which is mom is also very important. In the movie it doesn’t tell much about mom’s life in England so we thought it would be fun.

In our project, I am glad Marinda and I separate jobs equally. She edits the video and I write the script. It is both strength and weakness. Separating equally is not the most important thing, we have to work together and share our ideas together but not do our own jobs. If we can do that, our film can be better. Neither Marinda nor I thought about each other’s job. We listen to what the other says and do it.

We met lots of difficulties when we were filming. The actors, weather, the lack of costumes… First is that there are 3 characters in total and 2 of them are boys. But we only have 2 girls to act so I have to be Rex and Peter at the same time. We thought about filing a part that Rex and Peter have a talk and this might help those who watched the film understand the title better but its so hard to accomplish. The only thing we can do is to use different clothes and make up to represent different people. But when the film finally finish, we found out it was hard to see Peter’s thick mustache. Also I spelled Rex and Peter’s name wrong. This is a mistake that definitely shouldn’t happen. Secondly there wasn’t any rainy day but part in the film need to be happened in a rainy day. So we should have think about it first and change the script.

There are many thing I have learned form this project. First is about the skill of filming. We should add subtitles. Classmates asked questions that we actually told in the movie. So it is the really necessary for them to understand the movie. We didn’t organize the movie well. As the name of the movie is Love or Bread, we should tell more about why Peter is bread and Rex is love. Also we should film the reason why Annie chose to marry Rex but not Peter at the end. We can either change the name or the script. Also we understand how difficult the situation of Williamsons is. Annie struggled so much to choose her husband and the one she chose doesn’t make a good result. No one would regret until they face a serious situation or made a huge mistake. She made sacrifices for Rex and reality keeps asking her.

Over all, even though there are many mistakes we have made in our film but there are also many thing we can learn from the movie. For the next time filming, we can definitely do a better job and improve our acting skill.

