
Poem Analysis assignment

The poem I choose is Baby's World by Rabindranath Tagore. From the title of this poem, it is not hard to know this poem is a very soft and peaceful poem that describes world only exists in people’s imaginations. On the other hand it also shows writer’s expectation of real world. Tagore is a writer I know from my primary school textbook but this is my first time to really recite his poem. It is different form normally poems which has a special structure with only one stanza.

The poem Baby’s World describes things happens in a baby's world. The writer wants to travel to baby’s world where there are toys, stars, stories... The baby has his own house and people come to him with stories and toys, and he lives a happy life. Sky and stars are friends with him, clouds and rainbows play with him. He never needs to worry friends leave him because stars are always with him. Also not only baby him self lives a happy life but also people who live in this world. They are all equal, have the right for freedom, The facts, laws, and speaks are free. “ Where messengers ran errands for no cause”, describes the pressure of working and in his imagine world, people work form their personal willingness. People can say what ever they want and no one lies. Facts are supported by Truth, laws in his world were decoded by the baby. Things follow his mind. It is obviously to see that the writer really wants to live in this kind of Utopian world where there are no trouble and full of happiness.

 In the first sentence of Baby’s World, the writer says he wants to go to " the heart of my baby's very own world" which shows how deeply the idea of living in an equal and adorable world is in his mind. The writer uses baby as a significant figure of innocent, clear, and cute. So in the baby's world, there is no need to think too much, things go as what he wants, no need to care about lies and facts because " truth sets fact free from its fetters". For the writer, maybe he meets some thing that doesn't reacts as what he wants, or people lie, him self have too many worries... The troubles he meets in real life makes him write a poem like this. “And out beyond all bounds”, shows that he has experienced the tastes of bounding.” By using the words stars, rainbows, toys, and stories, it is easy to make readers constitute an image of bright world with soft clouds, shining stars, and soft colors houses. In the poem, the writer uses" I wish I could" twice at the start and the middle. It separates the poem in to two parts, the first is used to describe people's action in baby's world, the other one is used to describe those Laws, Truth, and Facts. He also used many o sounds in his poem which sounds connected fluently. It counts as a free verse poem even though there are repeated sounds. In the last two sentences, even though they both uses " where" to start the sentences but the second sentence is longer and have a comma in the middle that shows the specialty of this sentence.

Reading this poem makes me remember my childhood when I had to trouble, and no pressure. The reason why I choose this poem is that I have the same hope as the writer does, so does everyone, no one doesn’t want to live in a Utopian world.

